

What a terrible tragedy for all these people down there, and don't forget all the displaced animals that need help too. I would treat my animals just like my kids, they would be going with me no matter what. I do agree that the repsonse was slow to help these residents, I'm sure it was case where the local and state goverments figured the storm wouldn't be that bad, and they gambled wrong. As soon as it became apparent that this was going to be a disaster, the people in charge should have took control and got those people help right away, not a few days later. The feds should have moblized everything at their disposal, but I guess there are slim pickins with most of our equipment and manpower overseas taking care of people who aren't american. I thought the National Guard was just that! The NATIONAL GUARD!!! They should be here not in Iraq or Afganistan, they should be here helping our people. As always the US is always interested in being in someone else's business and not worrying about its own. As far as the race issue goes, I do believe that if this happened in a place like Maine where whites are the greater majority of residents, no one would have gone days without water or food. Once again thank the Lord that this is his last term, no in the next election can we get it right people!! Please let's get someone in there who actually cares about the American people. Oh yea and this Chertoff dickhead, thinking everybody can just hop in a vehicle and leave is ridiculous. Bill Maher said it best "[Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff] said, 'The critical thing was to get people out there before this disaster. Some people chose not to obey that order. That was a mistake on their part.' And this is what I call 'unintentional racism.' Because this guy - that's the whole thing with the Bush people. They just can't imagine, 'Why don't you just pack up your Range Rover, grab a case of Poland Spring water out of the garage, and go to your summer home? What is the problem?!' They just don't get it."
He hit it right on the money, they just don't get it.

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