
Skins puts up decent performance

I guess Patrick Ramsey wanted to prove to his critics that the starting should be his last night when he put a decent performance against the Steelers throwing 12/19 and 141 with 1 td and 1 int.
That is his best of all the pre-season, and against a top rated defense. the looked more confident last night, and when Lavar Arrington stepped onto the field for the first time since September of last season, he put a spark into the team and the fans. Big Ben had a dismal night only throwing 6/15 and 1 int. Good!! It was great to see the Steelers sent home with a loss. I know its only pre-season and it means nothing official, but it feels great to come away with a win against the Steelers. We have all the tools we need, we just need our QB to have some poise, and make the right decisions when he passes that ball. If he does that the Skins are in the playoffs for sure.
Of course who made that first TD catch of the night COOLEY!!! He is the man!! In my opinion the best reciever we have. What a player!!! OLD SCHOOL!!!

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