
Herndon Council has got it all wrong.

This past week , the town of Herndon, Va voted to build a place where day workers can hang out and wait for potential employers to hire them for work. Is this really the right move to make for these people, I think not. The best thing for the town to do and for other cities around the country is to get the INS involved and check out how many of these guys are legal citizens(most of them are not), and get the ones who are illegal out of the country. Now here is another area where the Bush administration is making a mistake. Why don't we have better border control? These illegals slip into the country everyday and are able to live off the system, get drivers licenses, and other services. I grew up in Reston,Va which is the next town over from Herndon, and I am used to seeing these guys on a regular basis. Its fine if they want to work and have a better life here in America, but do it LEGALLY!!! Apply to get into the US the right way. In these times of terrorism who else is comin across that border with them. Let's see here comes Jorge, Hector , Oh and there's Mohammed Atta and whole bunch of other guys screaming ALLA AKBAR!!! Yes employers love these illegals because they will do jobs Americans don't want and for very cheap. Of course hardly any of them speak English, and that issue also came up this week, when it was brought up that English should be made our official language, your damn right it should!! WE SPEAK ENGLISH IN AMERICA!!!!! They should have to learn our language not the other way around. Some people say that is racist, so i guess if i go to France and they don't speak english I can call them racist right. WRONG!!! I have to learn French to get by in FRANCE!!! DUH!!!!!!! When I was out west this summer there are all kinds of restaurants and shops where the signs are all in Spanish, Now if you don't speak Spanish you really can't go in there and buy anything can you. Sort of discriminitory don't you think. Sort of like here is the White bathroom and there is the Colored one. Its simple we build a wall up along the border with machine gun nests and sensors, if you step in the sensor area you are given a warning, if you proceed, hmmm well we warned you!! No one is saying we don't want you here, just come here LEGALLY and LEARN TO SPEAK OUR LANGUAGE WHICH IS ENGLISH!!! Oh and thanks for that peace loving group MS-13 , I want to join, I'm heading straight to Kmart to pick up my machete.

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