
Evacuation of West Bank Nears End

I applaud you people who occupy the country of Palestine who this past week emptied out 25 or so illegal settlements in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. That is a start but you know what , its still not enough. There will only be true peace over there when you pack up all your people and get the hell out. I know your not going to leave voluntarily, but one of these days your going to leave, by force if neccesary. I await the day when I will no longer hear about violence in Palestine. You are always talking about how you want your people to be safe from attacks and to be able live in peace and comfort, well DUH!! Its pretty damn simple, you get out of someone else's country and stop killing women and children and then you don't have worry about being attacked do you? Let's see now I live in America , now I am pretty sure that if some people came here and tried to occupy our country that most Americans would put up a fight until we took our country back right? Would we be called terrorist as the rightful owners of Palestine are? They are just trying to get their country back, in the same way you took it, through force. Every time a bus get's blown up or shop gets bombed, and some of your people get killed, don't you guys think about why. JUST GET OUT!!!!! Well one thing's for sure there are alot more of "them" then there are of "you" and eventually your going to get your asses handed to you. It is inevitable! INTIFADA!!!

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