
Cat Found Covered In Paint Still Recovering


PITTSBURGH - A black female cat found with white latex paint all over its body is recovering at the Animal Rescue League of Western Pennsylvania. City Animal Control workers brought the cat in off the streets. It's unclear whether the animal, which is believed to be about 1 year old, was painted intentionally or by accident.

"We're just trying to keep the stress level down," ARL communications director Mark Berton said on Thursday. "The cat is a very sweet cat. It likes being held. It's not jumping out of the tub."

On Friday morning, Berton said 70 percent of the paint had been removed. The cat was scrubbed with a combination of dish soap and pumice soap, he said.

The cat's tail is still encrusted with paint and may have to be shaved, Berton said.

Doctors expect the cat to recover, and it will be prepared for adoption.

If this was intentional, I would love to meet the guy who finds this funny to do this to an animal.

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