
Senate endorses oil drilling in Alaska wildlife refuge

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Senate insisted Thursday on opening up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for drilling after being blocked by environmentalists for decades, then voted overwhelmingly to prohibit exporting any of the oil pumped from the region.

Caribou, polar bears, musk oxen and millions of migratory birds that land there during warmer parts of the year will be the ones to suffer as well as mother earth. But hey we have been fucking all them over anyway for quite a while now, let's continue. Of course our asshat President hailed the vote, even though no oil is likely to flow from ANWR for 10 years and peak production of about 1 million barrels a day isn't expected until about 2025, according to the Energy Department. Currently, the United States used about 20 million barrels of oil a day.

Another reason you have proved yourself to be a bastard George. Boy they sure are lovin you down in Argentina aren't they. The whole world has called us idiots for putting your ass in office not once but twice.

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