
Palestinians: Israeli strike kills 7 in Gaza

GAZA CITY (CNN) -- An Israeli air strike late Thursday hit a car carrying Palestinian militants north of Gaza City, killing seven people, including an Islamic Jihad commander and three other members of the group, Palestinian and Israeli security sources said.

Three civilians, including a 15-year-old boy and a 60-year-old man, also were killed and at least 14 other Palestinians were wounded, some of them seriously, a source said.

The strike came just hours after Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon vowed to crack down on terrorists in response to a suicide bombing on Wednesday that killed five Israelis and wounded 28 people in a market in Hadera, in central Israel.

Now I guess Israel has assumed that since they gave up settlements and such that the Palestinians would say hey cool, I guess we can have peace now. Umm sorry no !! Hey Sharon!! You have to get all the way out if you want peace, leave the legitmate country of Palestine completely and then you will have peace. Don't you guys get this!! The United States and Israel then ask its puppet leader Abbas to try and put down the "terrorost" groups who keep attacking the occupiers of their country.He can't do shit, and will risk getting himself killed if he tries.
For people that are supposed to be so smart they sure are stupid, GET OUT OF WHERE YOU DON'T BELONG!! If I go next door to my neighbors house and take over his house and say well you can stay in the kitchen and the rest of your place is mine, that guy is going to be pissed and try and take his place back anyway he can. DUH!!! None of this means that I or anyone else is anti-semetic. it means I am against people who take land from the rightful owners. Iran seems to be heating up with anti-Israel protests happening and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad demanding the Jewish states destruction, which sounds ok to me. One banner read "Death to Israel, death to America," The Associated Press reported. See what happens to us for backing these bastards. Ok yes you guys got treated like shit by the Nazi's, yes there was a holocaust, BUT, that doesn't mean the rest of the world has kiss your ass from now on, since you went through all of that. I finally went to the holocaust museum in DC with my mother, and yes its interesting, but all it says is oh poor us look, what happen to us, we should get a whole country since this took place. Yes fine but not someone else's country, I'm sure there are lots of islands in the ocean you guys can go to too that don't belong to anyone. One of these days someone is going to setoff a nuke inside what you call Israel and you know all I can say to that is well you were warned. These people you call terrorist have tried diplomacy haven't they, but you won't listen so.....

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