
Jury convicts video game defense killer

20 year old Devin Moore claimed the game Grand Theft Auto and child abuse caused him to kill three police officers in Fayettte, Alabama. Come on Devin what are you thinking man, playing games and listening to music doesn't cause anyone to do anything of the sort. Prosecutor Lyn Durham said Tuesday that Moore knew what he was doing when he grabbed a patrolman's gun and killed two officers and a radio dispatcher. Your damn right he knew what he was doing!! Now i know when he pulled that trigger, he wasn't thinking to himself .. hmmm well this is just like Level 1 of my favorite game or wow this just like in that song I like, I'll kill the cops cause the song says so. Get real man!!! There is no excuse ever to kill anyone except in self-defense. Your giving more ammo to the conservative bastards who want to take away my right to choose what i watch, play, and listen to. These people are nuts, its simple, if you don't like it, then don't watch it, change the channel, don't play it, and don't listen to it. If these people had there way, the only games we could play would be Candyland and Chutes and Ladders!! Now what did you say when they arrested you, hmmm... "Life is a video game; everybody has to die sometime." Well guess what buddy that is just what is going to happen to you when they give you the death penalty. When they are putting the needle in your arm, just keep saying that to yourself. Cop Killer!!

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