
About the last line of Blade Runner...

Decent Article over at den of geek by Sarah Dobbs. Check the site for the whole article.

Blade Runner is one of those films that divides people. Sarah falls into the "it's a masterpiece" camp. But, er, about the last line of The Final Cut...

Watching Blade Runner: The Final Cut on Blu-ray, on a 50" HDTV, is one hell of an experience. It's a shockingly well-made film, particularly by modern standards where anyone who fancies themselves a director can pick up a Handicam and a cheap editing suite and sell their home movies to a distributor. There are a lot of films that don't merit being upscaled onto a high-definition format, but, wow, Blade Runner really makes the most of it. I just have one niggle about it, which is really rather ungracious of me......

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